Modify From Existing Product

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Thousands of Products to and Modify

Although iStarUSA Group offers thousands of unique products with modular design products allowing you to pick and choose the configuration you want for your chassis, not necessary the product will meet all of your specification requirements, when that happens, let Myodmrack custom made for you, even with just minor modification,most of the time it is more economical than you could imagine.

8 Brands , One Goal for Off Shelf Product Selection for Modification

iStarUSA groups offers the following 8 categories of products that you can choose from before deciding how much to modify based on your comparison of the specification to meet your requirement.

The Design Process

Our Design Porcess is Comprised of Steps

Quantity and Pricing

Our pricing is based on the volume and frequency of you order. The more detailed requirement we receive, the more precise our quotes can be. We try very hard to give you the best possible product available while staying within your budget.

  • Quantities, Volume, & Frequency
  • Level of Custmization
  • Budget Requirements & Cost Estimation
  • Tooling & Machining Requirements
  • Materials & Availability
Contact Us Now For Your Project
Tel: 1-626-303-8885
Toll-Free: 1-888-989-1189
Fax: 1-626-301-0588